Accredited top quality TEFL classes in Madrid

Accredited top quality TEFL classes in Madrid

Accredited top quality TEFL classes in Madrid, Spain? We collaborate with an English teacher recruitment agency. This agency works to find all types of teaching positions. Our TEFL Madrid Academy is committed to offering you the complete “after TEFL” support. Armed with a TEFL Certification, you can hunt around Spain jobs with lucrative career opportunities and compensation. We help you find the best TEFL jobs in Spain to fit your needs and we also own a network of academies in this city, take a look! TEFL Madrid is one of finest and highly acclaimed TEFL institutes in the country, with over 2000 students having passed through our corridors and placed in well respected jobs. Managed by former TEFL teachers, based out of Florida and Madrid, with branches all over the country, TEFL Madrid Academy offers lifetime support to all its students and ensures they land a job in a prestigious institute as they finish up their course.

Speaking of benefits, another benefit of having a TEFL certificate is that international teaching jobs tend to pay a pretty penny for TEFL-certified teachers. Institutes and schools alike pay more because, well, you have some skills, and are therefore worth more to their students! Sure it will most likely cost you to afford the training course, but you’ll certainly have the opportunity to receive a nice return on that personal investment.

Here is the complete TEFL guide, with everything you need to know in one place. Teaching others English really is a great and high potential self development path! It offers lots of paths to independence, travel, learning, and a fun lifestyle. Maybe you’ve recently graduated and want to try your hand at a teaching career, but aren’t ready to go back to school right away for your education degree. Maybe you are curious if teaching is even right for you. Or maybe you have no idea what you want your career to look like at all! If this is the case, then TEFL is your answer. It’s a short-term course that gives you the knowledge you need to succeed, and first hand experience in the classroom as part of your required TEFL practicum. It’s the perfect way to give teaching a test-drive without the full commitment. Teaching abroad is a great opportunity to study a language in the country. Your students will be more than happy to teach you the basics. Of course, they will teach you some swear words first 🙂 Read more info at

The price for the EU Citizen Course is 1.300€; the price for the Visa Course is 3.100€. Both are closed prices, and they include all the services mentioned above, without exception. For booking a Visa Course, the student must make a 1.200€ deposit; for the EU Citizen Course, the deposit will amount to 500€. I’m not a certified professor; can I still teach English? This will depend on each country. Teaching English in Spain does not require the English teacher to have a degree, but it does require him or her to have a TEFL certificate. In any case, even if you have no prior experience in teaching, don’t worry, as this discipline can be learnt by anyone with vocation and a will to learn. And, if you think about it, we have all been ‘teachers’ at some point in our lives: helping a classmate do their homework, teaching your new work colleague how things are done… are all experiences you may have had, and which can help you discover whether you like teaching or not. If you do, do not hesitate to challenge yourself to teach English abroad as it will be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life.

For our spanish guests:

Promedio de 110 puntos en el TOEFL: la calificación promedio de nuestros alumnos en la prueba de TOEFL es 110 puntos. Puedes apuntar a la calificación que necesitas o ir más allá de la meta y superar tus expectativas. ¡Únete al team! Los cursos de TOEFL online de EXAM Madrid Academy son la mejor opción para preparar el examen desde casa, con clases de inglés a distancia a través de videollamadas. Prepara el test con el equipo docente y un máximo de cuatro estudiantes por sesión, en la que tendrás la oportunidad de practicar inglés face to face cuando lo desees.

Modalidad general, con un ritmo habitual de clases, en las que se avanza de manera progresiva por las secciones que conforman el TOEFL: Listening (prueba de comprensión auditiva), Speaking (prueba oral), Reading (prueba de lectura) y Writing (prueba de escritura). 4 horas semanales: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 16 horas lectivas en total. 6 horas semanales: plan de estudio popular, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 10 horas semanales: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 40 horas lectivas en total. 20 horas semanales: plan mensual intensivo, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 80 horas lectivas en total.

En nuestra academia de TOEFL en Madrid experimentarás un nuevo método de aprendizaje, completamente personalizado y práctico, en el que tendrás: te recibimos con una prueba de inglés básica, para saber en qué nivel del idioma estás actualmente. Evaluamos tus capacidades para comprender y expresar el idioma de forma oral, escrita y auditiva. Plan de estudio personalizado: según el resultado del test, precisamos cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades. A partir de éstas, elaboramos un plan de estudio personalizado para garantizar los mejores resultados en poco tiempo. Descubrir aún más información cursos de TOEFL en Madrid.

Lecciones y ejercicios a tu ritmo: Al ingresar a nuestra plataforma de cursos TOEFL online dispones de un programa cargado de lecciones en todas las áreas del test (Listening, Speaking, Reading y Writing). Cada lección va acompañada de múltiples ejercicios en los que podrás además estudiar las respuestas. Software online adaptativo: cuando realices las sesiones de práctica online, el software irá aumentando la dificultad de las preguntas según tu desempeño. Mientras más aciertes, más complejo se pondrá. En caso contrario, si respondes incorrectamente, la dificultad bajará progresivamente.