Accredited top quality TEFL academy abroad

Accredited top quality TEFL academy abroad

High quality TEFL courses in Madrid? TEFL Madrid Academy is a well equipped training center that is committed to the highest professional standards. We don’t simply offer an internationally recognized TEFL certification to our students but we also prepare them for a fulfilling career teaching English. TEFL Madrid Academy is strategically located in the heart of Madrid, Spain, with easy access to the major attractions such as the Prado Museum, Retiro Park, the Royal Palace and the city’s shopping and business areas. Well communicated and surrounded by the main businesses and large corporations, once you graduate you will be ready to teach. We welcome you to have a virtual tour of our facilities. Following the course, all graduates of our TEFL course will continue to have our full support and access to the facilities and teacher tools at the school.

Speaking of benefits, another benefit of having a TEFL certificate is that international teaching jobs tend to pay a pretty penny for TEFL-certified teachers. Institutes and schools alike pay more because, well, you have some skills, and are therefore worth more to their students! Sure it will most likely cost you to afford the training course, but you’ll certainly have the opportunity to receive a nice return on that personal investment.

Here is the full TEFL guide, with all you want to know in one place. Teaching English really is a big and high potential self development path! It offers many avenues to freedom, travel, exploration, and adventure. This is the most straight-forward reason. Many like the fact that they can translate their teach abroad experience to a unique certification on their resume. A TEFL certificate equals an added professional skill that most recent college graduates lack. This course will develop your interpersonal skills, relationship building, cognitive and problem-solving skills, all highly-desirably skills in the workforce, no matter the discipline. How about that for job security? In some cases, having a TEFL certification earns you a higher salary. With a TEFL certification, you are automatically more qualified than the average college grad with a bachelor’s degree and no foreign experience., and many employers look for that. In a stack of similar resumes, this special credential will make you stand out as a candidate. See additional details at

TEFL Madrid is one of the most renowned English academies in the country; it possesses great training experience, having trained over 2000 students since opening. Our teaching staff is highly trained; both in practical and theoretical content, and have great pedagogical skills, as well as skills related to new technologies. The quality of training in TEFL Madrid is guaranteed and approved by the British Council; also, the Academy works in alliance with other renowned TEFL Schools in Spain and English academies, such as the TOEFL Academy in Madrid and the American High Stand Academy. One of the main advantages of studying at TEFL Madrid is that we are committed to aiding our students even after the course has finalized. The Academy makes necessary resources available to our students in order to make finding work as an English teacher easier; in fact, the academy collaborates with different employment agencies, as well as a network of academies all over the city where teachers can not only practice the abilities learnt at TEFL, but may also find job opportunities.

For our spanish guests:

Clases disponibles todo el año: despreocúpate por las fechas de apertura o de inicio de los cursos. En nuestra academia de TOEFL en Madrid tienes clases disponibles todo el año, así que siéntete libre de planificar tu preparación sin limitaciones. Los precios más competitivos: nuestro objetivo principal es que los alumnos tengan éxito en sus vidas, tanto a nivel académico como profesional. Por eso te ofrecemos planes con precios competitivos que puedes escoger según tus posibilidades.

En TEFL Madrid Academy experimentarás un método de estudio innovador, en el que puedes preparar el TOEFL de todas las formas posibles, desde casa o en cualquiera de nuestras academias de TOEFL en Madrid. Contamos con más de 10 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del Test of English as a Foreign Language, lo que nos ha permitido ser en la actualidad una de las mejores y más especializadas academias de inglés en Madrid, especialistas en los cursos de preparación TOEFL Más que un curso, te ofrecemos una experiencia cultural, en la que tienes la oportunidad de compartir cómo es vivir y estudiar en países como los Estados Unidos, de donde proviene gran parte de nuestro equipo docente. ¡Contáctanos y comienza tu preparación!

Necesitas preparar el examen TOEFL? Prepárate para presentar el examen de TOEFL en Madrid con nuestro equipo de profesores americanos nativos, certificados en la enseñanza del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera, expertos en la aplicación del Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Descubrir adicional información curso de TOEFL en Madrid.

Al apuntarte a un curso de TOEFL online podrás: Realizar simulacros del TOEFL en tiempo real: ingresa a nuestra aula virtual y realiza test de práctica, en el mismo orden que experimentarás en la prueba real, con el cronómetro activado para emular todas sus condiciones y características. Obtener resultados al instante: el software de los cursos de TOEFL online arrojan resultados de tus prácticas de manera inmediata, con puntuaciones incluidas.