Top goal tracking mobile apps

Top goal tracking mobile apps

Best private goal tracking mobile apps: A phone app to keep you off your… phone? Believe it. It has a game-like quality: When you want to put down your phone, you’ll plant a “seed” in the app’s forest. As time goes by, the seed you planted will gradually grow into a tree. But, if you pick up your phone and leave the app, your tree will die. You can also earn rewards and unlock more than 30 new tree species to grow, share your forest and compete with friends and other users.

Habitica: Gamify Your Tasks is a free, fun habit tracking app developed and published by HabitRPG Inc. for Android and iOS devices. It is enjoyable that it allows you to treat your life like a game to stay motivated and organized. The app makes it simple to have fun while achieving goals. Habitica is one of the best apps to the Habit Tracker app and offers all the core features of some new features and tools. First, you need to launch this habit tracking app into your mobile device complete signup process by entering numbers of details, input your habits, daily goals and your to-do list and create a custom character. After creating your character, check off tasks to level up your character and unlock some advanced features such as pets, skills, and even enjoyable quests.

Vervo is a private and group goal tracking app. It’s the only free app platform connecting you with a community of goal-setters to share your goals. If you find yourself struggling with finding inspiration/motivation to work on your goals, Vervo can absolutely help you with that. Vervo is based on scientific evidence to help you track, commit, get motivation and achieve your goals. Everything is free. No Ads. No Fees. See extra details at Motivational app.

Discord is easily among the best messenger apps for gamers. It features cross-platform support between most mobile phone and computer operating systems. There is also a web client for those platforms without a native app. The app also features voice chat, multiple text chats, GIF support, and more. People on the service can create their own servers or join others as they need. It’s mostly for gaming. However, some people use it just for its fantastic organizational system and above average voice chat capabilities. The service is free to use for everybody. However, you can unlock some cosmetic extras with the Discord Nitro subscription.

The story of Vervo started when me and my wife wanted a way to track and support each other in our goals. Fast forward six months, I’ve had collected enough research for me to gain a descent understanding of the psychological effects of tech and their relationship with goal tracking and commitment. That was the moment when I thought that we needed a website/app for me and my wife to help us with our overwhelming, scattered goals. So I’ve started my normal craze of putting all my research into an actionable plan. I’ve talked to one of my close friends in the software realm and he helped me shaped what I had into a workable mobile app. Find extra info at