Brain power enhancing advices

Brain power enhancing advices

Improving your memory guides? Another study on the connection between lifestyle and dementia risk published in December 2013 in PLoS One, found that people who participate in multiple healthy behaviors significantly reduce their risk for dementia. For 30 years, the study tracked five healthy lifestyle behaviors — nonsmoking, optimal body mass index (BMI), high fruit and vegetable intake, regular physical activity, and low to moderate alcohol consumption — in 2,235 men and found that those who followed four or all five of the behaviors were about 60 percent less likely to develop cognitive impairment or dementia.

Take in nutrients which are good for your brain. Foods that have antioxidants like vitamin C, E, B, etc. are good for the brain. Consuming almonds and apple juice is also good for sharpening the brain. There is strong indication that education and learning yield positive changes in the brain. If you continue to learn and experiment, your brain continues to grow, whether it is knitting, baking, or computer programming, marketing, etc. Learn something you’ve always wanted to learn, but have never found the time for because of your daily concerns. Absorb a little information slowly each day.

Heavy crossword players show the same rate of cognitive decline as people who do few crossword puzzles. Think of this: You can’t get rid of radio static by turning up the volume. Many people raise the volume because their listening has become “detuned” — a little fuzzy. Matching TV volume to a conversational level can help you catch every word when talking with others.

But listening in itself is not enough. To really take advantage of an auditory learning style, here are a few tactics that I have found helpful: Repeat names often in conversations when you first meet someone — this will make their names and details more likely to stick. Leave your laptop behind during meetings. Taking notes on a computer may distract you from retaining information. Make it into a game. If you work in an office building, try to remember the names of everyone on the opposite side of the floor. If you visit other branches of your company at regular intervals, see whether you can bring the team their preferred snacks. For example, I test myself regularly by trying to remember which buildings in Manhattan each of our clients lives in. These details are crucial to thriving in my industry. Read extra details at Neuroscientia.

Speed of Information Processing refers to how quickly a learner can process incoming information. Some scientists consider speed of information processing a central aspect of IQ. Many children with attention problems often are unable to keep up with the lesson plan presented by the teacher. Cognitive Flexibility is the ability to change what you are thinking about, how you are thinking about it and even what you think about it – in other words, the ability to change your mind. Cognitive flexibility is required in multiple ways throughout the school day.