Top rated real estate property and luxury apartments solutions Istanbul

Top rated real estate property and luxury apartments solutions Istanbul

Luxury apartments property investments solutions Istanbul right now: A palace with a direct view of the Bosphorus! The importance of the Bosphorus Strait has been recognized since ancient times, with the finest luxurious palaces situated on both ends of this pass that separates Europe from Asia. The Topkapı Palace, the largest palace overlooking the entrance of the Bosphorus, symbolises the Ottoman caliphate’s glory in a strategically significant location. Why the Bosphorus and what is its symbolism? The idea of owning a historic palace with a direct view of the Bosphorus is extremely bold and particularly rare. You would be surprised to know that a budget of 20 million dollars is considered relatively average for owning a beautiful palace on the Bosphorus. The rarity of these palaces and their historical prestige are among the main reasons for their high prices. Additionally, their spaciousness surely contributes to the price escalation. They are more suitable as luxurious hotels rather than residential properties, but for enthusiasts of this experience, there are offers in the Turkish real estate market starting from around 20 million dollars, reaching upwards of 100 million dollars. See additional information on

Sometimes, there are offers for commercial properties as a form of change without clarifying that this type of investment is suitable only in the long term. Furthermore, the continuous devaluation of the Turkish lira makes long-term lease contracts a diminishing source of investment, even if they start with attractive figures like 7%, they will end after five years with a return that does not exceed 2%. We do not recommend these types of investments, as there are certainly better options in the market. However, we must clarify the reality behind these presented offers. Sometimes, there are offers for pre-owned apartments or even villas at prices lower than the prices of new properties. These opportunities may be suitable only for those who seek permanent residence, and their percentage among foreigners who own properties in Turkey does not exceed 2%. As for investment, even if you furnish them anew and achieve an initially impressive return of 8%, this return will be eroded over time due to the depreciation of the Turkish lira against the dollar. The greater disaster is your inability to resell your property later when you want to end your investment.

The Istanbul real estate market is undoubtedly Turkey’s star performer when it comes to attracting investors from all corners of the globe. Historically, it has always been the number one destination in the country for domestic property sales, and in 2015, it overtook the Mediterranean region of Antalya as the most popular destination for foreign property buyers in Turkey. Last year, it hit a record high with 8,182 properties sold to foreigners of various nationalities and 238,383 domestic sales. But what exactly is luring domestic and foreign buyers to invest in Istanbul real estate and more importantly, will this trend last? We think so.

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our goal is to earn your trust and make sure you are comfortable with the process of buying a home in Turkey from start to finish. For a closer look at the glory of the Ottoman Empire, you should go to Topkapi Palace during your trip to Istanbul. Topkapi Palace was built in the 15th century. Mehmed the Conqueror ordered the construction of the palace in 1459. At first, the palace was named Yeni Saray, or the New Palace. Before this palace, the Sultan used to live in the Old Palace in Beyazit Square. The name was changed to Topkapi Palace in the 19th century. Topkapi means canon gate. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923, Topkapi Palace was turned into a museum in 1924. The palace, occupying a vast area of around 592,600 to 700,000 m2, has hundreds of rooms and chambers, but not all of these rooms are accessible for tourists. Only some of the most important ones are open to the public.

Flexibility is required when you come across a property that suits you almost perfectly but is slightly above your budget. Also, if your plan is to sell a property you bought three years ago this year, but the market is suffering from inflation and stagnation this year, selling your property despite that will result in the loss of your profits or a significant portion of them. Thus, the time of stagnation is a time for buying new properties at reduced prices or waiting, and it is never the right time to sell your property.

The right choice for the real estate company to deal with when buying the property in Turkey is important. Many owners who had a bad experience with real estate companies think that all real estate companies are similar and that the quality of their services is similar and this is not true, which makes many people wishing to own property choose the inappropriate company. The large number of ads on the social networks that encounter owners of interest in Turkish real estate and the huge amount of incorrect information spread about real estate in Turkey.

If your investment goal is in Istanbul, especially if you want to obtain Turkish citizenship (this means you cannot resell your properties for 3 years), here stands the main thing for Right Home’s vision, which is being a real estate investment company in Istanbul, as our role is not limited only to indicating the appropriate projects, but we have a consulting team specialized in studying the market, studying real estate projects and the history of construction companies, in addition to studying the laws of supply and demand in the present, in the past and in the future. Make sure that all of the above is very important when choosing your investment properties because from our daily experiences we notice completely wrong investment choices that some clients make by misleading them by companies starting out in the real estate market or non-consulting real estate brokerage companies, and this is often done by tempting the customer for obtaining cheap real estate or being deluded by the fact that a certain area is an investment area without relying on real criteria in evaluating the investment.

Istanbul, Turkey travel is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. Going on a scenic all-day cruise of the Bosphorus is one of Istanbul’s greatest pleasures according to many. They’re right. Sehir Hatlari is Istanbul’s official ferry company and offers three Bosphorus Cruises — Full, Short, and Moonlight (Evening). The Short Cruise takes you on a two-hour loop while the Full and Moonlight Cruises last for six hours and take you all the way to Anadolu Kavagi, which is the last dock before the Black Sea. It’s a charming seaside town where you can have a delicious seafood lunch or dinner by the water. Check out my post on the Bosphorus Cruise with Sehir Hatlari for more pictures and information.

Properties located away from the city center, such as Istanbul suburbs, typically have longer investment cycles (at least five years) before significant improvements in infrastructure and increased demand are noticed. The duration varies depending on the exact location and demand, both in the near (5 years) and distant (over 10 years) future. Anticipate the future of the area, the progress it will undergo, and the supply and demand dynamics at the time you intend to complete your investment plan. Do not judge the suitability of a property’s location solely by the name of the area it’s in. For example, many properties in Istanbul’s city center, like Sisli and Besiktas, are not suitable for investment regardless of their prices. At the same time, highly successful investment properties can be found in Istanbul’s suburbs, which are often overlooked for potential investment opportunities.

Our goal in presenting these statistics is to clarify that the number of properties sold in Turkey, of which Turkish citizens constitute 97%, while the share of foreigners is only 3%, as shown in the figure below for the number of properties sold to foreigners in Turkey (compared during March 2021). From this we conclude that the vast majority of real estate was sold in the local market, and this clearly means that the Turkish real estate market is a profitable investment market, otherwise there would not have been an increased demand for new real estate purchases, especially under construction by Turkish citizens (who do not seek citizenship but a net investment 100%).

Galata Port Mall is a comprehensive commercial and entertainment complex located within Istanbul’s Galata district, Turkey. This mall is an integral part of the broader initiative to transform the historic Galata port into a contemporary tourist and cultural destination. Built upon the site of the former seaport, Galata Port Mall has undergone extensive renovation and transformation, emerging as a modern and all-encompassing shopping and entertainment destination. The complex features an array of retail outlets, restaurants, cafes, and entertainment spaces. Galata Port Mall provides a distinctive and immersive shopping experience, offering a wide range of products from renowned international brands to local favorites. Visitors are treated to a shopping environment that is both modern and comfortable, complete with enticing offers and discounts.