Moral stories for kids in english

Moral stories for kids in english

5 minutes stories for kids at bedtime? Our aim is to provide a better, healthy and fun-loving bond between kids and parents. We understand that parents put all their efforts in keeping kids happy and peaceful, but this task can be extremely difficult at times. To help you with this difficult task and to provide you with an opportunity to create value in your relationship we have come up with this initiative. Our aim is not limited to create a valuable relationship between kids and parents only. We want to develop a society with morally sound values and for that we have specifically focused on the moral lessons. This will help them in generating positive thoughts and a reflecting mindset quite early in their life. Similarly, imagination, creative thinking and reasoning skills of these kids would also prosper. See even more information on 5 lines short stories with moral.

Charlie Cook is sitting in his favorite chair reading his favorite book, which is about a pirate chef who is stranded on an island and a treasure chest. The cook uses his hook to open the chest and finds his favorite book, about Goldilocks and the three bears. The bears find Goldilocks in Baby bear’s bed reading his favorite book, about Sir Percy Pilkington, a knight who finds his favorite book while fighting a dragon. And so the story continues until they learn about a ghost and her favorite book about a boy named Charlie Cook, who sits in his armchair and reads his favorite book! Little girls love playing princesses in fairy tales. But they also need strong role models. Our collection of short bedtime stories for girls is a mix of fun and courage to inspire your little girl through her growing years.

It was a pleasant sunny day when the little boy went out to play with his friends. He needed to do pee pee but held it as he wanted to win the game he was playing. All of a sudden, his pants turned wet. He ran home to change the pants. It was then he heard a song. ‘The bathroom is the only place to pee…’ “If you feel you need to go even while you play, go straight to the bathroom without any delay.” Two little sisters went into a room to play with a ball. The tall one slowly whispered, “We must be careful not to wake the cat.” The fat one whispered back, “We should not spoil the roses.” But they wanted to throw it high as the ceiling would not hurt. The white cat was hearing all this. It thought, “Why would they come here to play at all. They can only disturb me or spoil the roses.., instead, they can play in between the shady trees in the garden.. Who knows, their ball might touch the sky!”

It is evening, and the Sun has just set. All the animals on the ship go downstairs to the deck to take a bath, change into their pajamas (big and small), brush their teeth, stretch their bodies and exercise, and finally get to bed in their bunkers. They fall asleep as the boat is rocked by the gentle waves of the sea. Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig? is written in a question-and-answer format, where the narrator asks little Wibbly pig if it is bedtime already? The story is about the cute and funny excuses that Wibbly gives to avoid going to bed! Wibbly Pig is in the bath when the narrator asks if it is bedtime. Wibbly Pig replies, “No silly! I am still in the bath.” The narrator then asks if Wibbly has finished the bath and gets a reply, “No, I’m still drying my toes.” And so on the story goes, with the narrator asking her a set of leading questions about bedtime, and each time Wibbly manages to come up with an excuse. The story ends with Wibbly finally falling asleep with her cuddle buddies Flop the bunny, Pigley the pig and Dimple the teddy bear.

We believe that you might have run out of stories at some point. Well, then we have got you covered. We have listed some of the best bedtime stories that you can tell your toddler to make them fall asleep hassle-free. A long time ago, Eve was the first princess on the Earth. She was the first woman God created. Adam was the first man. God used Adam’s ribs to make Eve. They both lived in the Gardens of Eden that was a beautiful place. It was full of big trees, gentle rivers, beautiful flowers, butterflies, swans, horses, and many other animals. Life in the garden was great. God loved them so much and gave them everything they needed. They just had to obey one rule. God asked them not to eat the fruits of the tree that is in the center of the garden. But the fruit looked delicious. The princess could not resist, so she plucked the fruit and took a big bite. It was sweet and juicy! She offered it to Adam too. But they felt guilty and tried to hide from God when he came to the garden that evening. Well, God knows everything. He asked both of them to leave the garden for disobeying him. Even though God was sad that he had to punish them, he still loved Eve and Adam. They would always be his children. Moral: Live a life that is likable by the God. Confess if you do something wrong and try not to repeat. Read extra details on