get rid of pests in your Arizona home advices

get rid of pests in your Arizona home advices

Contact a professional pest control technician who has ongoing state certifications in pest, termite and wildlife control to perform a thorough inspection and make recommendations for you. Check their resume how long has your service person been on the job? What certifications and licenses do they personally have? Ask for references from clients with similar problems. Check with the Better Business Bureau and consumer rating services like Angies List. Do they have the proper business licenses and are they insured? What type of warranties do they offer? How long have they been in business? Are they locally owned and operated? Are the office and in field staff courteous, friendly, responsive and knowledgeable? Do they come when promised? And finally, did they solve your problem?

exterminator Arizona – Pests and rodents aren’t simply a nuisance – they can severely affect your health and the health of your family. This is why bug and insect prevention is critical in protecting homes, businesses, schools and any other place where human beings live, work or play from a pest infestation.

Here are some general tips to prevent household pests and rodents from entering your home:

Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home including entry points for utilities and pipes.
Keep tree branches and shrubbery well trimmed and away from the house.
Keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of it regularly.
Repair fascia and rotted roof shingles; some insects are drawn to deteriorating wood.
Replace weather-stripping and repair loose mortar around basement foundation and windows.
Store fire wood at least 20 feet away from the house and five inches off the ground.
Call a qualified pest professional for additional advice and treatment if necessary.

I spray a mixture of cedar oil and water on my lawn and shrubs. Its organic and safe for kids and pets in low concentrations. It repels biting insects and it also suffocates their eggs. Apply it at night, and in the morning the yard is ready for pets and kids. You can find cedar oil at local farm co-ops, pet stores, online retailers and landscape supply companies.

Arizona bug removal – Stinkbugs have become a huge problem in my area. I was flushing between five and ten a day down the toilet. We tried traps, but they didnt work and instead attracted more! I finally figured out where they were coming frommy attic. It looked like a breeding groundthey were everywhere! I got on my ladder and caulked every gap or opening around my house. Im proud to say weve had zero stinkbugs since. Sometimes the best solution is to completely prevent those critters from getting in rather than catching them after the fact.

To prevent a plague of pests, avoid growing large areas of one type of plant. It is more difficult for pests to home in on their target when confronted by a variety of different plants, such as perennials, annuals, and shrubs, as well as herbs, vegetables, and fruit. The abundant nectar also draws in beneficial insects. Dont overfeed plants because aphids love the resulting soft growth.

Arizona pest control – Anytime you entrust a service provider to come to your home or business, you run the risk of potentially dealing with someone who may not have your best interest or well-being at heart. Anyone can put a magnet sign on their truck and call themselves a service provider. Ask your neighbors, friends and family. They will be honest with you about a company they have had experience with at their home or business. Dont let the lowest price be your only deciding factor in choosing a pest management company. It could truly cost you thousands later.


Keep ants away from your home with a concoction of borax and sugar. Mix 1 cup sugar and 1 cup borax in a quart jar. Punch holes in the jar’s lid, and sprinkle the mixture outdoors around the foundation of your home and around the baseboards inside your house. The ants are attracted by the sugar and poisoned by the borax.
If you have cockroaches, sprinkle borax powder in the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Avoid sprinkling where children and pets could be affected.
If there’s a hornet, wasp, bee or other flying insect in your house and you have no insect spray, kill it with hair spray.
If your home becomes infested with fleas, vacuum rugs thoroughly before spraying, and throw the dust bag out at once.
Change the water in a birdbath every 3 days to help reduce the mosquito population.
The presence of carpenter ants indicates another problem. Because they’re fond of damp wood, you should check your pipes, roof and windowsills for water leaks.
Centipedes prey on other bugs, so the presence of centipedes in your house may indicate the presence of other insects as well.
You can distinguish termite damage from other insect damage by examining any holes you find in wood. Termites usually eat only the soft part of wood, leaving the annual rings intact.
If you live in a multiunit building, any pest control measures you take individually will be ineffective in the long run simply because insects can travel form one apartment to another. To eliminate bugs completely, the entire building should be treated at one time.