Play Mahjong games online for free

Play Mahjong games online for free

Mahjong is a ancient table game that was created in China. As with any good product it was imported by many cultures around the globe. Folklore and legend depicts that Mahjong is invented by Confucius, which is due to the three dragon tiles carry the paradigm for Confucius’ virtues; Sincerity, filial piety, and benevolence. This is further related with the fact that Confucius is found of birds, and the Chinese name for the game ma que, which means sparrow.

The expatriate population of Shanghai picked up the game in the cafes that they frequented and brought it back to their home countries. In Japan, Mahjong clubs formed in the early part of the century and the rules in that country remain close to the classical game. There are 136 tiles in a set which includes 36 characters, 36 circles, 36 bamboos (each of these suits are divided into numbers one to nine), 16 Wind tiles and 12 Dragon tiles.

Mahjong Time is one of the most interesting puzzle games that you might ever try. As mentioned above, the rules for playing online mahjong are different from the real mahjong game. The reason for this modification is that not everyone can understand and play mahjong with its real rules like the four Russian players did. So, instead of applying real rules, game developers only combine mahjong tiles with simple rules to help this game reach more players. Source: Jogos 123.

Mah Jong has not been around for as often as many people think it has, although older versions of the game may have been in existence in different form (such as cards) for many decades. The game of Mah Jong began in China, and there is some debate as to when it exactly began, where, and by whom. There are different variations of the spelling of Mah Jong in English, and it is sometimes referred to as all one word – Mahjong. Either way, Mahjong, or Mah Jong, is usually considered correct.

For our spanish readers :

Remova todas as pecas do tabuleiro de jogo. Jogos gratis para jogar online. E bem interessante e um pouco dificil. Brincar tem cerca de 50 variantes de Mahjong, portanto ha para todos os gostos! Jogue Mahjong Link, jogue Patterns link e divirta-se ao fazer combinacoes de varias texturas no estilo mahjong, Mahjong Borboletas Butterfly Kyodai online gratis Classico. Junte os pares dos mesmos desenhos para remover os desenhos do campo do jogo Dream Love Link. Jugar Mahjong games en Jogos 123! Aqui voce tem uma boa escolha. Selecione dois as mesmas pecas para mover o Mahjong jogo. Pode selecionar apenas as partes que tem pelo menos um lado livre, esquerda ou direita. O que mais voce esperava? Avante! O tabuleiro Mahjong 3D esta cheio de pecas e voce tem que encontrar as pecas iguais. Preste muita atencao, pois elas sao cheias de detalhes e voce pode acabar se confundindo!