Play VR games with your friends at the best VR arcade in Toronto

Play VR games with your friends at the best VR arcade in Toronto

VR (virtual reality) gaming is the usage of a three-dimensional (3-D) created play ground to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with VR software and presented to the player in such a way that they overlap the real-world environment, creating a feeling of mirage and helping the user experience the VR space as real. You can play VR games at home but, usually, the hardware that are available for regular individual clients is not very good. Good VR equipment is expensive , that’s why there are playgrounds that offers VR play on extremely good equipment. Think about it like the today’s internet caffee’s of the past.

While Sony has seen early success with their cheaper PSVR system (sold over 2 million headsets in 2017, other companies are following suit to make their headsets more affordable and accessible. With more and more headsets entering the market, a price war is likely to ensue as companies will undercut one another to improve sales. Not only are they realizing that it’s a price elastic and saturated market, but they are also finding that consumers are interested in ease of use and portability. With that in mind, stand-alone headsets will make its way to the forefront.

Now let’s talk about games with VR support. Do you ever wonder how much you can really trust your friends? Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is the perfect multiplayer game to put your friendships to the test, forcing you to communicate and collaborate with each other to defuse a complex bomb. In this game, players are split into two groups: one Defuser and several Experts. Defusers can see and examine the bomb, but cannot access the manual. Experts can read the manual, but cannot see the bomb. Players must exchange information, guide each other through defusal steps, and keep track of progress if anyone wants to make it out alive. Keep in mind that bombs have a countdown timer and will explode if you make too many mistakes along the way. If you want to play VR games with your friends in Toronto you may want to check LevelupReality. See extra details on Arcade Toronto.

Rec Room (Oculus Rift; PS VR; HTC Vive): If you just took the plunge on a new headset or if you want to show off VR to someone for the first time, Rec Room provides a low-impact and free social sandbox of places to go, things to pick up and toss, objects to interact with, and some minigames to play solo or with others online. You can play this title suitably from either a seated or standing position, and it works well with room scale. Rec Room is designed primarily as a social experience, so expect a lot of people to be on mic, and consider taking part in the chatter yourself. You won’t find an infinitely replayable game world to explore here, but Rec room should help people who need to get their VR sea legs before they tackle more in-depth experiences.

Tetris Effect takes what you already know about Tetris and layers on several visual and musical effects designed to change the way it feels to play this classic game. There are also some new mechanics, like the ability to clear whole zones of Tetris blocks at once, potentially up to 20 lines at a time. The music and visuals pulse and change to the pace of your performance in-game, and the PS VR support means you’ll be that much closer to the experience, able to lean in as much as you like while using a traditional controller.

We will transport you entirely out of your own world…and into another—whether it is walking along the edge of Everest or surviving a zombie apocalypse, your next reality is limitless. 80+ games/experiences with unlimited game changes; Includes player setup and training (10 minutes); One player per station, non-shareable Visit: