Income tax top providers in Houston, TX

Income tax top providers in Houston, TX

Income tax best companies in Houston, Texas? The sooner you meet with your preparer, the sooner you should be able to complete your return (even if you decide to file for an extension, as discussed later). If you anticipate a refund, you’ll get that sooner, too. If you wait too long to schedule an appointment with a tax preparer, it might not happen before April 15, and you could miss out on opportunities to lower your tax bill, such as making deductible contributions to an IRA or a health savings account.3? 4? Note: for 2020, the deadlines for making these contributions and for filing taxes is July 15.

The more money you make, the more complicated your taxes are going to be. So, if you have a higher income than most people, it’s important to work with a skilled accountant to figure out how to reduce the amount of income taxes you pay. In addition to taking your standard deduction and other deductions, there are many things you can do to lower the amount you pay. Let’s start with an overview of tax rules for high income earners. For the sake of this post, we’ll consider anybody in the top three tax brackets as a high income earner. That means that if you earn more than $163,301 in gross income as a single earner and $326,601 if you’re married filing jointly, you are a high income earner.

Bonus depreciation is an extra benefit for buying assets. The TCJA also increased this tax break from 50% to 100% of cost for assets placed in service from September 27, 2017 through January 1, 2023. Talk to your tax preparer if you’ve purchased any major assets to find out if you qualify. You can deduct up to $25 per person of the cost of gifts given to customers and vendors. An exception exists for those that bear your business name, are distributed as a matter of course, and cost less than $4. Deducting the costs of entertainment is a bit trickier if you show your appreciation by paying for a good time. These costs are no longer deductible unless the event is directly related to your business in some way. Discover more details on

Serial Investors Don’t Necessarily Get a Tax Break. There’s a rumor that you can sell a home and escape taxes by rolling the gain into a new property. That rule, however, hasn’t been around for almost 25 years, and even then applied only to personal residences. To get a tax break for gains on personal residence sales, you’ll have to move into the home and live there at least two years out of five years. If you do that when you sell, you can exclude $250,000 of the gain from tax (twice that if you are married filing jointly).